Dr. Ethan Raath

+1 303 261 2841

Training & Speaking

Leadership Speaking

Dr. Ethan Raath is affirmed for his inspiring presentations, unique insights, engaging presence, and eloquent speaking. He weaves personal experience, entertaining humor, animated story telling, and practical principles into his speaking to inspire, motivate, and inform his audiences.





Speeches are customized to match participants needs. Please scroll down to see suggested topics - then CALL ME. I love to speak!
Cell 303.261.2841 or send me a message online.

Whole Brain Empowerment for Leaders and Teams
Are you leading from your preferred leadership style? Do you want a team balanced with thinkers and dreamers, organizers and engagers? Do you want to enjoy better collaboration, better creativity, and better results? Hear how Whole Brain Empowerment helps you uncover preferences for life and work that lead to greater satisfaction and performance.

Leading With HEART
Studies reveal how much workers are dispirited, disengaged, and unmotivated. Learn how to create and maintain engaged working relationships by leading with Humanity, Empathy, Attentiveness, Responsiveness, and Trust. Learn to apply effective communication techniques for better relationships and engagement.

Climbing The Leadership Mountain
How can you rise to higher heights in your leadership and career? Uncover the steps that will get you there with Purpose, Preparation, Perseverance, Pacing, Perspective, and Partnering.

Keeping Your Leadership Balance
Leadership can be challenging when the persistent push for results and pull of relationships affects balance and performance. Discover the art of highwire leadership and gain insights for better personal and professional balance and resilience that will help you stay poised, purposeful, and prolific, as you walk the leadership highwire with success.

Keeping Your Cool When The Heat Is On
How do leaders maintain resilience under the stress of competing demands and relationships that can lead to emotional fatigue and burnout? Discover how to recognize the symptoms of stress, identify personal stressors, learn techniques for maintaining composure, and develop a personal action plan for resilience. Suited to interactive training sessions or retreats.

Leadership Lessons From My Bypass Surgery
My quadruple bypass surgery came as a surprise. The bigger surprise was the differing medical opinions I received. I share nine principles gained from my experience that show leaders the value of relying on their instincts and knowledge gained from life and work.

"Ethan served as a communication expert for a large professional development program I managed. He was flexible, professional, and personable. We had to bring him in at the last minute and he was amenable to working within the objectives we had already set and the experience we had envisioned. It was a pleasure working with him!"

Meredith W. Voelkel
Association Manager, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

"Ethan joined us at one of our networking events and spoke about Leadership Across Cultures. He leveraged his personal experiences sharing valuable tips from across the globe. He also powerfully referenced "The Platinum Rule of Leadership - do to others what they would have done for them". The group was left with applicable, real world advice. Thank you Ethan!"

Pernilla Råvik Johnson
President Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Colorado

Dr. Ethan Raath presented “Keeping Your Cool When the Heat is On: How to manage stress for better relations”, to a professional group I manage. Several members of the group mentioned how the presentation was helpful as they deal with the implications tariffs and their negative impacts on their business. We found the presentation -- and Ethan’s presentation style -- thoughtful, interesting and engaging. I hope to work with Ethan again.

Maggie Bessenbacher, National Association of Credit Managers Heartland

Speeches and trainings  customized for audience needs.

"The Value of Leadership Engagement"

Speech Introduction (5.5 minutes)